Every now and then, there is an event that stands head above all others. The club competition that took place in Bonn today is just one of these. Organized by 8 local clubs from NRW, against the wish of their own judo orginzation. In the important age group of under 11 the clubs wanted to give the youngsters something to look forward to; competing for their club. The clubs competed in mixed teams by wheight group.
The event was a great success. A well organized and well received competition by parents, youngsters and spectators alike. The childern were motivated and cheering each other along. Wonderful to see how much dedication was given by everyone.
Congratulations to the judoka that took plart and the clubs who insisted that the young judoka should have their day of glory too. After all they are potential top judoka in the years to come. Lets cheer them on.

More pictures are in the judo section. If you are a member of one of the clubs that took part in the competition, you may load the pictures down for your own personal use.